Mediamaz Work is a service for company registration in Jakarta that is engaged in company registration, visa issuance, making temporary residence permits, and providing translator and interpreter services. At Mediamaz Work, we employ the best talents to help you with your problems about company registration in Jakarta to expand your business in Indonesia. We are here to help you!
Assist in the recruitment of superior and experienced linguists and relevant qualifications.
Provide you with support and advice on human resource needs and to help your company grow in the future.
Assisting you in your job search at your dream company
Assist foreigners in obtaining business visas in Indonesia.
In Indonesia, there are 3 (three) legal business entities, which can be seen below:
The documents and applicable laws that new business owners need to refer to are the Indonesian Investment Positive List.
Number of foreign ownership shares, type of company (namely: PT, PT PMA, and RO), business district, line of business or locally referred to as KBLI (Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia) as outlined in the Indonesian Positive Investment List. This is a document that includes all the details of thousands of KBLIs, each with different regulations. Therefore, it is very important for you to understand KBLI first.
Starting a business in Indonesia takes about 1-3 months. This time indicated can depend on how quickly the business owner sends the required documents and requirements to the consultant to carry out the process. Companies that have prepared complete documents and files can immediately operate in less than 30 working days, starting from the time the business owner submits the documents and files to the authorized party
Domicile Letter or locally referred to as Surat Keterangan Domisili is legal evidence that you have registered and verified the location and address of your company office. All foreign-owned companies are required by law to have an office during their incorporation process. To have a Domicile Letter, what is needed is an office rental agreement. Domicile Letters are managed and issued by Kelurahan or village administration, and Kecamatan or city/district expansion. Please note that a personal residential address cannot be registered as an address for a business. The documents that need to be prepared are, as follows:
Unfortunately it can not. You must have these requirements, or if the requirements already exist but the validity period has expired, you can come to the appropriate office to take care of the requirements again.
In general, PT PMA is required to have a minimum capital of IDR10 billion (approximately USD690,000) and this capital must be paid up in advance.
For foreign investors who plan to operate in fields that require large capital, the minimum capital and initial deposit capital may be higher. You can find out more information about initial capital by contacting Mediamaz Work.
The answer is yes. Foreign-owned companies can hire foreigners and be a promoter for work permits for them. However, it is important to note, some sectors do not allow foreign employment.
Below are the initial steps and documents that need to be prepared to start a business in Indonesia.
For the Jakarta area, the address used by the company must comply with the zoning provisions contained in the DKI Jakarta Regional Regulation No. 1/2014. In this regulation, the domicile of the company is not allowed to be in a residential area. As for other areas, you can first confirm through the local DPMPTSP (Internal Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service) whether or not you can use your home address as your company’s domicile.
Mediamaz Work has registered and trusted talent and staff, and experts in their fields so you do not need to hesitate and can entrust the process of establishing your company to us.